Rotary International News
31 March 2009
The Final Inch , a 38-minute film that chronicles the challenges health organizations and government face during the final stages of polio eradication , will air on HBO on 1 April at 8:00 p.m EST. Commissioned by the philanthropic division of Google, the film was nominated for an Academy Award in the documentary short subject category.
The Final Inch , a 38-minute film that chronicles the challenges health organizations and government face during the final stages of polio eradication , will air on HBO on 1 April at 8:00 p.m EST. Commissioned by the philanthropic division of Google, the film was nominated for an Academy Award in the documentary short subject category.
Director and producer Irene Taylor Brodsky captured workers immunizing children in the poorest slums of India and Pakistan in 2007. In several scenes Rotarians were filmed working during a National Immunization Day on 22 April. Led by M.S. Jain, past governor of District 3100, NID volunteers administer polio vaccination drops to children in Meerut Samrat, Uttar Pradesh, India.
On 30 March, RI President Dong Kurn Lee spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. He was joined by Tom Grant, a producer on The Final Inch.
On April 2, HBO is holding a screening event in New York, USA. Past RI President James L. Lacy will serve as a discussion panelist, which includes Brodsky, Ann Veneman, executive director of UNICEF, and Dr. Larry Brillian of Google.
You can see the trailer at: http://www.rotary.org/en/MediaAndNews/News/Pages/090126_news_finalinchfilm.aspx
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