Rotary International News
2 December 2009
Have a supply of Start with Rotary postcards to hand out to potential members. When it comes to recruiting club members, there are almost as many ideas as there are Rotarians, which is not surprising considering Rotary's diversity.
There are some universal themes that come up again and again. Others capitalize on new technologies and communication methods, or are targeted at expanding Rotary’s demographic reach. Below are 10 tips from Rotarians for increasing membership:
1.Invite friends, colleagues, or neighbors to participate in one of your club's projects.
Have a supply of Start with Rotary postcards to hand out to potential members. When it comes to recruiting club members, there are almost as many ideas as there are Rotarians, which is not surprising considering Rotary's diversity.
There are some universal themes that come up again and again. Others capitalize on new technologies and communication methods, or are targeted at expanding Rotary’s demographic reach. Below are 10 tips from Rotarians for increasing membership:
1.Invite friends, colleagues, or neighbors to participate in one of your club's projects.
2.Keep a supply of the Start with Rotary postcards and wallet cards, and give them to potential members.
3.Encourage prospective members who live outside your geographic area to visit the RI Web site, view membership videos, and complete a prospective member form.
4.Ask your district membership chair to contact qualified candidates who have come to the district's attention through an online referral.
5.Talk with potential members about Rotary's humanitarian work, including programs like PolioPlus. Mention the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's involvement in the polio eradication effort through Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge.
6.Invite professional women in your community to one of your club meetings. Initiate projects that focus on women's issues, and invite prominent women in the community to participate, speak, or lead.
7.Maintain contact with all local alumni of Rotary's educational and service programs, and organize events for them. Work with qualified candidates to help them join your club.
8.Advertise special programs or projects on social networking sites such as Craigslist, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Orkut, and invite visitors to your club meetings and events. Learn about RI's official social networking pages.
9.Sponsor an open house (or an open meeting with a special guest) that caters to a demographic group or classification that isn't represented in the club.
10.Maintain a Web site for your club so that interested individuals can easily find out who you are, what you do, and what inspires you.
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