Por Maureen Vaught
Noticias de Rotary International - 10 de diciembre de 2007
Según la rotaria Amy Crawford, se han producido múltiples beneficios a raíz del proyecto: "El club participa más en la vida de la comunidad y viceversa. Hemos logrado la participación de los residentes de la zona circundante, además de atraer a nuevos socios más jóvenes, cuyos hijos y familiares también colaboran".
La iniciativa del club ha contribuido a mejorar las relaciones de trabajo entre los rotarios y los dirigentes de la comunidad, contándose con el patrocinio conjunto de empresas, instituciones religiosas, organismos municipales y entidades educativas.
En 2003, Vibert Kesler, ex socio del club de Garrettsville-Hiram quien presidió la primera Celebración de la Semana de la Familia, fundó World Peace Parents, organización sin fines de lucro que asesora a clubes rotarios de todo el mundo interesados en realizar celebraciones similares. Algunos clubes de EE.UU., India y Uganda ya han trazado planes para tales eventos.
"El programa funciona mejor en las comunidades y los clubes pequeños —explica Kesler—. Es un medio formidable para revitalizar el club".
Infórmese en http://www.worldpeaceparents.org/.
Celebración de la Semana de la Familia – lista de control Sugerencias de Vibert Kesler, director ejecutivo y presidente de la Directiva de World Peace Parents:
La clave es la sencillez: el programa Empower the Family funciona mejor con autonomía.
Planificación: comenzar a prepararse para la Celebración de la Semana de la Familia con cuatro meses de anticipación, como mínimo.
Celebrar el evento a comienzos del año escolar.
Descargar los informes sobre el avance de los preparativos para seguimiento eficaz.
Consultar el manual de World Peace Parents para obtener consejos útiles.
Mantener comunicación con World Peace Parents y formular preguntas.
The Empower the Family service project, now in its fifth year, supports activities that engage and honor families while enhancing Rotary’s image. Its centerpiece is the annual Family Week Celebration, which includes a music festival, carnival, and school-sponsored art, essay, and speech contests. In addition, residents of this small Ohio, USA, town are encouraged to Put Family First one evening and spend time exclusively with their families.
According to club member Amy Crawford, the project has succeeded on many levels: “We have more community involvement with the club. We’ve brought people from surrounding areas together. And we’ve attracted newer, younger members with children of their own to the club.”
It’s also cultivated working relationships between club members and community leaders. Local businesses, churches, governments, libraries, and schools collaborate with the club to sponsor activities throughout the week.
Convinced of the project’s global appeal to families and Rotarians alike, Vibert Kesler, chair of the first Family Week Celebration and a former member of the Garrettsville-Hiram club, created World Peace Parents in 2003. This nonprofit organization helps Rotary clubs worldwide carry out similar events in their communities. To date, clubs in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, USA, have organized family celebrations. And the Rotary clubs of Bombay Bandra, Maharashtra, India, and Muyenga and Port-Bell, Uganda, are working with World Peace Parents to adapt the concept to their cultures.
“This program works especially well for smaller communities and smaller clubs,” Kesler says. “It can really rejuvenate your club.”
Learn more at http://worldpeaceparents.org .
Celebration checklist
Vibert Kesler, executive director and board chair of World Peace Parents, offers the following tips for clubs wanting to celebrate family in their communities:
Keep it simple. The Empower the Family service project works best as a stand-alone event.
Plan ahead. Start arranging the Family Week Celebration at least four months in advance.
Schedule it for early in the year. Because schools are involved, the best dates for the celebration often fall between January and March.
Use the World Peace Parents project manual to help you organize the event.
Download the progress reports to help you stay on track.
Stay in touch with World Peace Parents, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Noticias de Rotary International - 10 de diciembre de 2007
Tras 75 años de funcionamiento, el Club Rotario de Garrettsville-Hiram contaba con un cuadro social muy reducido y desanimado. Sin embargo, los 10 socios restantes consiguieron fortalecer el club y contribuir al bienestar de la comunidad local mediante el proyecto Empower the Family (Revitalizar a la familia), el cual apoya actividades que promueven la interacción familiar y brinda reconocimiento mientras da realce a la imagen de Rotary. Anualmente se organiza la Celebración de la Semana de la Familia, con actividades culturales y recreativas, como concursos de artes plásticas, de redacción y de oratoria, en colaboración con las escuelas locales. Asimismo, se insta a los residentes de la localidad a compartir una tarde exclusivamente en el seno de la familia.
Según la rotaria Amy Crawford, se han producido múltiples beneficios a raíz del proyecto: "El club participa más en la vida de la comunidad y viceversa. Hemos logrado la participación de los residentes de la zona circundante, además de atraer a nuevos socios más jóvenes, cuyos hijos y familiares también colaboran".
La iniciativa del club ha contribuido a mejorar las relaciones de trabajo entre los rotarios y los dirigentes de la comunidad, contándose con el patrocinio conjunto de empresas, instituciones religiosas, organismos municipales y entidades educativas.
En 2003, Vibert Kesler, ex socio del club de Garrettsville-Hiram quien presidió la primera Celebración de la Semana de la Familia, fundó World Peace Parents, organización sin fines de lucro que asesora a clubes rotarios de todo el mundo interesados en realizar celebraciones similares. Algunos clubes de EE.UU., India y Uganda ya han trazado planes para tales eventos.
"El programa funciona mejor en las comunidades y los clubes pequeños —explica Kesler—. Es un medio formidable para revitalizar el club".
Infórmese en http://www.worldpeaceparents.org/.
Celebración de la Semana de la Familia – lista de control Sugerencias de Vibert Kesler, director ejecutivo y presidente de la Directiva de World Peace Parents:
La clave es la sencillez: el programa Empower the Family funciona mejor con autonomía.
Planificación: comenzar a prepararse para la Celebración de la Semana de la Familia con cuatro meses de anticipación, como mínimo.
Celebrar el evento a comienzos del año escolar.
Descargar los informes sobre el avance de los preparativos para seguimiento eficaz.
Consultar el manual de World Peace Parents para obtener consejos útiles.
Mantener comunicación con World Peace Parents y formular preguntas.
Empowered families strengthen Rotary image
By Maureen Vaught
Rotary International News - 10 December 2007
After 75 years, the Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram faced a declining membership and dwindling enthusiasm. But by celebrating family, the club’s 10 members not only strengthened their club, they also helped their community.
The Empower the Family service project, now in its fifth year, supports activities that engage and honor families while enhancing Rotary’s image. Its centerpiece is the annual Family Week Celebration, which includes a music festival, carnival, and school-sponsored art, essay, and speech contests. In addition, residents of this small Ohio, USA, town are encouraged to Put Family First one evening and spend time exclusively with their families.
According to club member Amy Crawford, the project has succeeded on many levels: “We have more community involvement with the club. We’ve brought people from surrounding areas together. And we’ve attracted newer, younger members with children of their own to the club.”
It’s also cultivated working relationships between club members and community leaders. Local businesses, churches, governments, libraries, and schools collaborate with the club to sponsor activities throughout the week.
Convinced of the project’s global appeal to families and Rotarians alike, Vibert Kesler, chair of the first Family Week Celebration and a former member of the Garrettsville-Hiram club, created World Peace Parents in 2003. This nonprofit organization helps Rotary clubs worldwide carry out similar events in their communities. To date, clubs in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, USA, have organized family celebrations. And the Rotary clubs of Bombay Bandra, Maharashtra, India, and Muyenga and Port-Bell, Uganda, are working with World Peace Parents to adapt the concept to their cultures.
“This program works especially well for smaller communities and smaller clubs,” Kesler says. “It can really rejuvenate your club.”
Learn more at http://worldpeaceparents.org .
Celebration checklist
Vibert Kesler, executive director and board chair of World Peace Parents, offers the following tips for clubs wanting to celebrate family in their communities:
Keep it simple. The Empower the Family service project works best as a stand-alone event.
Plan ahead. Start arranging the Family Week Celebration at least four months in advance.
Schedule it for early in the year. Because schools are involved, the best dates for the celebration often fall between January and March.
Use the World Peace Parents project manual to help you organize the event.
Download the progress reports to help you stay on track.
Stay in touch with World Peace Parents, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
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