miércoles, 23 de julio de 2008

Member Access, online service changes

Rotary International
July 2008

In July 2008, Rotary International will implement a more comprehensive registration and login process for Member Access and other password-protected online services. The new system will improve security and provide self-service features.

When the new system is fully implemented, all registered users will be able to reset their passwords and update their e-mail addresses. In addition, the new system allows Rotary to increase and improve secure online content and service to non-Rotarian constituents.

Starting July 2008, both new and existing users will be required to register, or re-register, with a unique e-mail address, password, and a secret question and answer.

If you use spam blocking software, we recommend you add secure@rotarymailings.org to your approved sender list. This will ensure that you receive e-mails that support the new self-service features.

Need help registering on Member Access? Our presentation provides a step-by-step guide.View the presentation (PPT) Review the Account Management User Guide before registering (PDF)

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