domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

Trustee Chair Message

February 2009

Message from the chair -- Building goodwill through our Foundation

Dear family of Rotary,

The mission of The Rotary Foundation asks Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. That’s a tall order in a world where ethnic conflict, terrorist attacks, and civil strife fuel hatred and threaten stability in so many regions. But the second part of the mission tells us how we can reach this ambitious goal: through improving health, supporting education, and alleviating poverty.

Today, 5,000 Foundation grant projects are addressing those issues through efforts as diverse as digging wells in Guatemala, equipping schools in Afghanistan, and funding microcredit programs in Uganda. The Foundation is setting the stage for peace by making life more stable for people in need.

As Rotarians, we promote international understanding and enjoy international friendships. Those friendships take root every time an Ambassadorial Scholar meets his or her host family or a district welcomes a Group Study Exchange team. Such life-changing experiences broaden our perspectives and sharpen our interest in the world. Through Rotary and its Foundation, we foster personal relationships that transcend borders and form a foundation for peace.

February – World Understanding Month – focuses our attention on international understanding, goodwill, and peace. By supporting our Foundation and participating in its programs, we find many ways to achieve those goals.

Jonathan Majiyagbe
Foundation Trustee Chair

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