viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008

5 Reasons to Get your Club Online

Sophia Dembling
From The Rotarian
September 2008

About 40 percent of Rotary Clubs still don't have Web Sites. If yours is one of them, it's time to make the leap. Here are just a few ways that being online can benefit your club:

1.- Visiting Rotarians can find you. (The Rotary club of Los Angeles provides a clickable invitation on its site,, for Rotarians who are planning a trip to L.A.)

2.- It gets the news out. (Pablo Fenando Sánchez, who heads the public relations committee for the Rotary Club of Bucaramanga Nuevo Milenio, Colombia, says his club receives messages from all over the world in response to news items posted on the Spanish-language

3.- Every Member can become a PR expert. (By sending friends a link to a club's site, members can spread the word about Rotary as well as club projects and fundraisers. Downloadable files like those on the site of the Rotary Club of Princeton, N.J., USA,, make it easy to publicize events.)

4.- It allows for creative recruiting. (District 7510 in New Jersey, holds an annual contest for the best club Web sites (go to and click on Public Image). "We have noted that clubs with the best sites are also the clubs that have the best member recruitment and retention," says Webmaster Lewis A. Edge, Jr.)

5.- Members can network effectively. (The Rotary Club of Bakersfield, California, lets members post links to their businesses' sites from Similar features, like an online directory with photos, can help members get to know each other)

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