sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008

Trustee chair Message

November 2008

Message from the chair: Celebrate the Foundation this month

Dear family of Rotary,

November is a very special month on my personal Rotary calendar, and I hope that you share my enthusiasm. All Rotarians can take great pride in the achievements of our Foundation, from our work for polio eradication to our Rotary Centers for International Studies to projects that improve lives every day. And now, we are building on those efforts through our Future Vision Plan.

As a Nigerian, I have seen how The Rotary Foundation is making a difference in my homeland. As Rotary Foundation chair, I have the opportunity to see our Foundation in action throughout the world. I can assure you that your generous contributions to the Annual Programs Fund and Permanent Fund are doing good in myriad ways.

But our contributions to the Foundation go beyond financial support. Rotarian doctors and dentists are serving as volunteers to bring health care to remote, underserved areas. Rotarian families are welcoming Ambassadorial Scholars and Group Study Exchange teams into their homes, establishing lasting international friendships. And millions of children are receiving the precious polio vaccine during National Immunization Days that Rotarians help organize, promote, and carry out with an eye on good stewardship practices.

As you observe Rotary Foundation Month, keep in mind the many ways that you can contribute. Through our combined support, the Foundation will continue to do good in the world for decades to come.

Jonathan Majiyagbe
Foundation Trustee Chair

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